Healing Touch Ayurveda - Ayurvedic Therapies

Traditional Ayurvedic therapiespanchakarma-treatment-in-Kuwait

1. Abhyanga

Abhyanga is a synchronized body massaging. This is done in the direction of movement of arterial blood flow.In practical terms, it means massaging the body in direction of the body hair.The scientific reason for this is to the increase in blood flow towards the most distal parts of the body. It also forms an important part of snehana or oleation which is an indispensable prepration therapy for panchakarma treatments, the five Ayurvedic detoxification therapies.Abhyanga not only prepares the body for panchakarma, but also helps to mobilize the dosha or morbidity from the periphery toward the core in order to get them eliminated through the body orifices.

  • Nourishes the entire body
  • Decreases the effects of ageing.
  • Imparts firmness to the limbs
  • Lubricates the joints
  • Increases circulation
  • Stimulates the internal organs of the body.
  • Assists in elimination of impurities from the body.
  • Moves the lymph, aiding in detoxification.
  • Increases stamina
  • Calms the nerves
  • Effective for sleep related disorders.
  • Enhances vision
  • Hair growth will be thick, soft and glossy.
  • Softens and smoothens the skin
  • Reduces wrinkles.
2. Udvarthanam

Udvarthanam, is an Ayurvedic massage treatment specifically designed for the weight loss and fat reduction. In this treatment, massage is done with the help of herbal powders. Massage is done in seven positions; in opposite direction of the hair follicles. Dry herbs are cleaned, dried and powdered for this massage. The deep massage improves the blood circulation, opens the channels and effectively stimulate the breakdown of the stored subcutaneous fat by improving the basal metabolic rate. It is effective in certain kind of skin disorders.


  • Helps in weight reduction
  • Strengthens the muscles
  • Softens the skin and exfoliates the dead skin cells
  • It gives glow to the skin.
  • Eliminates bad body odor.
  • Rejuvenates the body and bring a sense of lightness to the body.
  • Reduces the cellulite appearance.
3. Shirodhara

Shirodhara is a unique therapy in which a steady stream of medicated oil is poured on the forehead in a peculiar pattern. The flow will be in a slow and constant rate over the forehead for a particular duration mostly over the glabellar region. A thin strip of cloth (varthi) is tied around the head just above the eyebrows. The medicated oil is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm oil is poured in to the dhara vessel suspended above the forehead of the individual. Medicated oil is then made to flow in a continuous and constant stream. The oil flowsfrom the forehead to the scalp and hair which is accompanied by a gentle relaxing massage. The duration of the treatment varies from 30 to 40 minutes as per the individual condition. This treatment is mainly done in a course for 3 days, 7days, 14 days etc. According to the condition of the patient, the doctor will fix medicated oil for the treatment.


  • Effective therapy for mental relaxation, anxiety, insomnia and headache.
  • Paralysis and hypertension.
  • Improves vision and hearing capacity.
  • Slows down aging.
    Calms mind and strengthen physical constitution.



Dhara means pouring liquid medium in a small continuous and constant stream. Dhanyamla is a specially fermented medicinal liquid preparation. Medicated oil may or may not be applied on the body as per the individual condition. Dhanyamla is then poured over the whole body or affected area, in lukewarm condition as a continuous stream. Dhanyamla is kept lukewarm during the full course of the treatment procedure. DhanyamlaDhara is a special type of treatment and derived from the word cereals (dhanya) and vinegar (amla). Traditional vessels are used for this treatment. The duration of the treatment is 45 to 50 minutes depending upon the conditions of the patient. As per the instructions of the physician,Dhanyamladhara is done partly or full body. The course of the treatment depends on the instructions of the physician and may vary to3 days, 7days, 14 days etc.

  • It helps in compacting obesity
  • Reduces inflammations and muscular pain.
  • Activate nerves
  • It is a remedy for hemiplegia, paralysis and rheumatic complaints.

Kashaya means medicated decoction and Dhara means pouring. In KashayaDhara therapy, medicated decoctions are poured over the body, It has anti-septic or anti-allergic actions.

This treatment is mainly indicated for treatment of skin and hair problems.


Takra refers to butter milk.TakraDhara is the procedure whereby medicated butter milk is poured over the forehead in a continuous stream. A thin strip of cloth (varthi) is tied around the head just above the eyebrows. The butter milk is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm butter milk is poured in to the dhara vessel placed above the forehead of the individual. Medicated butter milk is then made to flow in a continuous and constant stream. The medicated butter milk flows from the forehead to the scalp and hair. Mild massage is done over the scalp and hair simultaneously. The duration of the treatment varies from 30 to 45 minutes depending upon the individual condition. According to the condition of the patient, doctor will fix the course of the treatment like 3 days, 7 days, 14 days etc.

  • Helps relieving from insomnia
  • Helps stress related problems and depression
  • Improves the circulation in scalp region and aids in hair growth
  • Effective in certain cases of dermatitis affecting the scalp like dandruff, alopecia, psoriasis etc.
  • This relaxes, revitalizes and strengthens the central nervous system.

Thailadhara or Pizhichil is the combination of two classical ayurvedic treatments;Snehana (oleation) andSwedana (sudation). It is a part of panchakarma treatment.The procedure is pouring streams of lukewarm medicated oil on the whole body or the affected area with simultaneous soft massage. Thailadhara is useful for rheumatic complaints, arthritis, neurological disorders and paralysis. It is proven to be effective in cases of sexual weakness, anxiety and body aches. The duration of the treatment varies from 30 to 45 minutes.The treatment is done in a course like 7 days, 14 days etc. The medicated oil used for the treatment varies according to the body constitution.


  • Rejuvenation of the body
  • Nourishes the skin in order to keep it young
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Combats depression
  • Prevents ageing
  • Helps to promote circulation

Navarakizhi is an Ayurvedic treatment. The treatment is termed so, as Njavara(Navara) rice is the main ingredient in this therapy. The cleaned Navara rice is boiled in the mixture of milk and decoction. It is then tied in a suitable cloth and made in to a bolus. A massage with medicated oil may be over the body prior to the application of bolus according to the instruction of the physician. The bolus is then applied over the body by dipping in the warm mixture of milk and decoction intermittently. During the course of the treatment the bolus gets reduced and nullify since the navara rice is used up. It is a nourishing and rejuvenating treatment which imparts strength to the body. The duration of the treatment may vary 30 to 40 minutes as per the individual condition.

  • This helps in strengthening the nerves
  • Relieves arthritis
  • Helps in cases of neurological complaints like hemiplegia, facial paralysis muscular atrophy etc
  • This nourishes tissues, softness the skin
  • Strengthens body muscles
  • Helps in curing joints stiffness and improves the digestion and sexual power

As the term implies Choorna, is the herbal powder used in this treatment procedure. Herbs are cleaned, dried and powdered prior to the treatment. These are then tied into a bolus using suitable cloth. Medicated oil may or may not be applied over the body as per the individual conditions or as advised by the physician. The herbal powder bolus is heated and applied over the body or affected area in soft punches. The bolus is heated intermittently during the course of the treatment. It removes the toxins from the circulating system, clearing the channels, imparting blood circulation. It is beneficial in inflammations of spinal muscles.In certain cases this can be done along with the massage.The duration of the treatment may vary from 30 to 45 minutes according to the condition of the individual. This treatment is done as a course for 7 days, 14 days etc.
Beneficial in treating certain conditions like the following:

  • low backaches
  • Cervical spondylitis
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Arthritis
  • Rheumatic fever
  • Bursitis
  • Paralysis
  • Muscular pain

This procedure is popularly known as Elakizhi or Pachakizhi. In this procedure fresh leaves are collected and cut into small pieces. These cut leaves are then fried in medicated oil along with coconut scrapes and lemon. It is then tied in a suitable cloth and made into a bolus. The inclusion of herbal leaves in the preparation of bolus depends on the condition of the individual. Medicated oil is applied on the affected area. Prepared bolus is heated in small quantity of medicated oil and is applied over the body as soft punches. The technique nourishes the strained body parts and alleviates sore muscles and joints. It enhances peripheral blood circulation, cleanses the channels of circulation and expels toxins through the sweat. It helps in toning and rejuvenating the body. The duration of application of bolus to the body may vary 30 to 40 minutes depending up on the individual conditions. This treatment is also known as leaf bag massage.
Beneficial in treating certain conditions like the following:

  • Arthritis
  • Spondylitis
  • Lumbago
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Sciatica
  • Post paralytic spasm
  • Sports injuries
  • Inflammatory conditions

Narangakizhi(JambeeraPindaswedam) is done with warm herbal bags after an oil application. The main ingredient for NarangaKizhiis lemon. A special preparation of lemon is made and that is tied in the linen cloth and made into a bundle, it is heated and massaged over the bodyThere are many blood vessels in our skin. These vessels give nutrition to the cells and receive the waste materials from the cells. External pressure increases this capacity a lot. Along with this pressure, heat and the touch of vital points will rejuvenate the pulse. Lot of waste materials will go out through sweating during this time.

Beneficial in treating certain conditions like the following:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Osteo Arthritis
  • Muscular Cramps
  • Stiffness of Joints
  • Lubricates the joints
  • Relieves spasm and stiffness of muscles
  • Strengthens the spinal muscles
  • Relieves joint pain especially backache

MamsaPindaSweda (MamsaKizhi) is a specialized therapy which is performed for the ailments related to bones, muscles and nerves. Mamsameansgoat’s meat, Pinda means Bolus andSweda means Fomentation or Sudation. The Sweda or Sudation is given using a bolus which is prepared using Mamsa (goat’s meat) along with medicated rice and other herbs is called MamsaKizhi. It is a type of BhrimhanaSweda or Nourishing therapy.Themamsa which is used for this purpose is processed with different medicines according to the condition of the patient and the disease.

  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Paralysis
  • Premature aging
  • Arthritis
  • Spondylitis
  • Skin Dryness etc...

It is a type of UshmaSweda. In this therapy, Kizhi (Bolus) is made with Egg as the main ingredient, hence it got the name MuttaKizhi or AndaSweda. In this procedure Bolus is heated with medicated oil and is applied over the body. The procedure is carried out in such a way that the Bolus is made to have sudden contact over each adjacent parts of the body for a fraction of seconds, so that ample heat is transferred to patient’s body.

Helps to recover the following conditions:

  • Postpolio Residual Paralysis
  • Spinal Myelopathy
  • Traumatic Conditions etc..

ValukaSweda is a form of fomentation method in which we use heated clean sand tied in a bundle to provide heat to the pain affected joints.

  • Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis), 
  • Urustambha (stiffness of thigh and lower limbs), 
  • Medoroga (diseases manifested due to disturbances in fat metabolism) etc..
  • It is the best treatment when there is chronic progressive disease causing inflammation in the joints that result in painful deformity and immobility, especially in the fingers, wrists, feet and ankles. 
  • It improves the fat metabolism and helps in reduction of inflammation and eases the joint movements.

The therapy is termed so, as Njavara(Navara) rice is the main ingredient in this therapy. The cleaned Navara rice is boiled in the mixture of milk and decoction. It is then made into a paste and is applied all over body (excluding head and face) or on a specific part. It is useful to provide nourishment to children and the elderly, who cannot withstand strong procedures like ShashtikaPindaSweda. This also has a rejuvenation property and the indications are the same as that of ShashtikaPindaSweda.


Nasyam is one of the Panchakarma therapies meant for the purification of head region. It is a process wherein medicated oils are administered in the nostrils. The excess of bodily humors accumulated in the sinus, throat, nose or head can be eliminated using this treatment. Patient is asked to lie down on his back on a wooden cot placed in a room devoid of breeze. Head should be placed slightly down and legs higher. The body, especially head, neck and chest, should be massaged with oil and fomentation is given.

  • It ensures healthy and proper growth of hair,
  • It enhances the activity of sense organs and protects the person from diseases pertaining to head.
  • It keeps the eyes, nose and ear healthy
  • It prevents the early graying of hair
  • It prevents early aging process
  • Beneficial in treating certain conditions like the following:

Cervical Spondylosis, Paralysis, Migraine


As your eyes are precious jewels of the body, it is your responsibility to take good care of them. Eyes have the role of enabling your interaction with the outer world. Therefore, they should be kept in a healthy state. But eye problems are increasingly common these days. A panchakarma treatment called AkshiTarpanam, also called NetraVashti, comes to your rescue. ‘Netra’ means eyes and ‘Vashti’ means to retain something inside.The process of retaining dedicated essential oils or organic ghee in the eyes for a fixed time period is AkshiTarpanam (Akshi means eyes and Tarpanam means nourishment). Cow’s ghee is the best choice as it helps improve the overall eye health. 


  • Beneficial for treating the following:

Vision Impairment, Eye injury, Conjunctivitis, Dry or watery eye, Excessive pain, Stiffness, Glaucoma, Losing eyelashes etc..


Thalapothichil is an Ayurvedic treatment known for its healing properties for neck and head related ailments and pains. The benefits of the treatment are evident if proper instructions regarding diet, yoga and meditation are followed for 2-3 weeks along with the treatment.Thalapothichil is a malayalam word, where Thala means head and Pothichil means covering. Thalapothichil is a procedure of application of medicated paste on the head. It falls in the category of cooling treatments. The therapy begins with a traditional head massage with Ayurvedic oils or the ShiroAbhyangam. A groove is then made on the head with a special paste. This paste is traditionally made with buttermilk and medicinal herbs. The herbs are selected on the basis of the condition to be treated. Then they fill oil in this groove and the paste walls are covered with leaves and cloth. After 30-60 minutes, depending on the condition, the paste is removed followed by a gentle head massage.

  • Stabilizes the nervous system
  • Soothing effect on the mind and body
  • Relief from heaviness of the head
  • Relaxes the neck and shoulder region
  • Boosts memory
  • Helps in insomnia, anxiety and depression.
19. Thalam

Medicated powder mixed with oil or medicated ghee is applied on the head mainly on and around the bregma region and sustained for a particular period of time. The duration of this treatment depends up on the condition of the individual. Generally it takes about 20 to 30 minutes. The medicated oils and herbal powders are selected according to the directions of the physician after evaluating the conditions of the patient.


  • It is useful for relieving from anxiety disorders related to eyes, nose and throat.
  • It is found beneficial for insomnia, mental disorders and migraine.
  • It brings a feeling of wellness.
  • It is even found effective in alleviating hyper tension.
  • It improves memory and concentration.
  • It clears the nasal passage, smoothens the throat, imparts coolness to the body, and calms mind.
The depression related with modern lifestyle has created many problems and talam is considered as one of the effective Ayurveda therapies for such problems. 

KsheeraDhuma fomentation is done by directing milk vapour steam to patient’s body.  It is an Ayurvedic fomentation therapy with medicated milk, generally given to face. It is also given to other parts of the body. The medicated milk is boiled and the steam is passed through a tube to the affected area of the body.
It is a measure of swedana (fomentation). Safety measures need to be observed for the safe administration of steam to the affected area. Medicated oil is applied to the area before steam is applied.
It is good for facial paralysis, certain nervous disorders, difficulty in voice and speech, headaches, etc.


Shirovasti is a procedure where medicated oil is retained on the head for a particular period. ‘Shira’refers to head. A leather sleeve of about 6 to 8 inches height is placed on the patients’ head and sealed into position with the help of the paste of black gram powder or wheat powder. The medicated oil is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm medicated oil is then poured slowly in a constant and continuous stream in to the space inside the leather sleeve placed on the head. It is then allowed to be retained for a particular period of time. The oil is soured up and heated till it becomes lukewarm and is poured back again. This soaking up and warming of the medicated oil is done throughout the whole procedure as and when the poured medicated oil becomes cold. The duration of the procedure varies from individual to individual depending up on the conditions. Generally it takes 40 to 60 minutes. The duration, course of the treatment and oils used varies according to the cases.

  • It helps in treating paralysis, depression, anxiety and insomnia.
  • It has proven some benefits in treating facial paralysis, excess hair loss, lubricating nostrils and throat.
  • It improves texture of hair and promotes its growth.
  • It is used for diseases related to brain and neurological, migraine, headache, depression.

KatiVasthi is an ayurvedic procedure of retaining warm medicated oil over the lower back bordered with an herbal paste. It is a general cure for almost all types of spinal problems and back pains. This is a simple therapy with profound effects. In the subtle body, the Nadis (in Sanskrit meaning "pipe" or "vein" or channels for the flow of consciousness) emerges from the Manipura (navel) chakra and supplies energy to the upper and lower extremities and back. Kativasthi has widely effective in removing any pain, strain, or tension in lower or upper back. The person is allowed to lie on his stomach on a massage table.  The dough ring is about four to five inches in diameter and is placed on the back around the painful area. Usually, it is applied to the lumbar-sacral area of the spine, which is a major site of Vata.


  • Deeply cleanse and fortifies the blood
  • Builds strong muscular and connective tissues
  • Lubricates the joints in the body
  • Alleviates most types of low-back pains
  • It is highly effective in treating the following indications:

Backache, degenerative spine changes, compressed discs
Osteoporosis, sciatica, hip pain, and spinal cord compressions


It is the procedure whereby the medicated oil is retained in the knee joint for a particular duration. The term ‘Janu’ referse to knee joint. A completely sealed wall boundary is made with the paste of black gram powder or wheat powder in the Janu (knee joint) region. The medicated oil is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm medicated oil is then poured in to the space inside the walled boundary in a constant and continuous stream. It is retained there for a particular period of time. The medicated oil is soaked up, heated to become lukewarm and poured back again by adding fresh oil in it. This is repeated during the whole procedure. The duration of treatment varies from 30 to 40 minutes depending up on the condition of individuals. This treatment is done in a course of 7 to 14 days andAyurvedic oil used for the treatment which varies according to the conditions of the individual.

  • It helps in chronic knee pain and degenerative disorders.
  • It gives strength to the supporting muscles of the knee joint.
  • It is very effective in osteoarthritis of knee joint and in cases of ligament injuries
  • It is very effective for pain relief, relaxation of muscles, knee fluid problem, increasing circulation, lubrication of joints, flexibility etc.

‘Greeva’ refers to the neck region. This is a procedure in which the medicated oil is retained in the neck region for a certain period of time. A completely sealed wall boundary is made with the paste of black gram powder or wheat powder in the greeva (nape of neck) region. The medicated oil is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm medicated oil is then poured in to the space inside the walled boundary in a constant and continuous stream. It is retained there for a particular period of time. The medicated oil is soaked up, heated to become lukewarm and poured back again by adding fresh oil in it. This is repeated during the whole procedure. The duration of the treatment varies from 30 to 40 minutes depending up on the condition of the individual. This treatment is done for a particular period like 7 days, 14 days etc.


  • It improves circulation, muscles and connective tissue strength, lubricates the joints and promotes its flexibility.
  • It alleviates cervical spondylitis, stiff neck, sore muscles, upper backaches etc…

‘Uras’ is the term that refers to the chest region. In this procedure medicated oil is retained in the chest region for a particular period of time. A completely sealed wall boundary is made with the paste of black gram powder in the uro (chest) region. The medicated oil is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm medicated oil is then poured in to the space inside the walled boundary in a constant and continuous stream. It is retained there for a particular period of time. The medicated oil is soaked up, heated to become lukewarm and poured back again by adding fresh oil in it. This will be repeated during the whole procedure. The duration of the treatment varies from 30 to 40 minutes depending up on the condition of the individual.


  • It helps in maintaining strong muscles and connective tissues.
  • It is effective in certain inflammatory condition and muscular spasms related to the chest region.
  • It is good for heart disease, muscular chest pain, asthma, respiratory problems etc.

Special Packages and Therapies

We have Special packages and treatment programs for ailments. The therapies and span of treatment will be decided after consultation. Some of our therapy and massage packages are aimed to address:

  • Back Pain
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Cervical and lumbar Spondylosis
  • Sciatica
  • Headaches and Migraine
  • Hair fall
  • Life style disease
  • Rheumatic Arthritis
  • Cervical and lumbar Spondylitis
  • Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Stroke
  • Digestive disorders
  • Acidity
  • Constipation
  • Restricted movement of neck
  • Radiating pain to hand and fingers
  • Lumbar Spondylosis& Disc bulge
  • Lumbar root Compression & Sciatica
  • Paralysis
  • Bone and Joint pains
  • Foot Cracks
  • Dandruff
  • Anemia

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